Charles DeBattista, MD
Dr. Charles DeBattista is Scientific Advisor at Osmind. He is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. At Stanford, he also is the Director of the Depression Research Clinic and the Director of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry.
Dr. DeBattista is a recognized expert in the pharmacotherapy of severe and resistant depression, biomarkers that predict antidepressant treatment response, psychedelic medicine, and neuromodulation devices. He has been a principal investigator in numerous clinical trials, including many approved treatments as well as current investigational compounds with a large number of leading biopharmaceutical and medical device companies. He has authored and co-authored over 200 manuscripts, book chapters, and books in the area of resistant depression. Among his books are Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology with Dr. Alan F. Schatzberg, 10th edition in 2024 and Clinical Psychiatry: a handbook for medical students, residents and clinicians with Dr. Ira Glick in 2019.